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It was a Frenchman who said, “The more things change, the more they remain the same.” It could just as easily have been the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) about its goal to encourage healthcare providers to provide better… More »

   Having home care service for your loved one is just as important as thinking about your retirement plan.. Will you have enough money to support your self and your family? Ask your self- ” Who will be here to… More »

 Welcome Care is Now the TOP paying agency in NYC.  The more we take care of our Staff- the more their work will shine. The Happier an employee is-the harder they will work. We at Welcome Care know the importance… More »… More »

Private senior care or home care fills a widening gap in needed services, especially for those who have elderly parents who need     care. With waiting lists for nursing homes or long term care facilities in many areas, or… More »

  “Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” Think about that quote from the late Stephen R. Covey, best known as author of “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective… More »

If you or your loved one needs Home Care Services Contact us today!… More »

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This December, we joined the → rest of country in celebrating National Home Care and Hospice Month, and with it came a renewed focus on the ins and outs of home care, why the need for quality care is… More »

There has been an ever-increasing focus on recruitment and retention efforts for home care workers amid high turnover rates, the Fight for $15 movement and competition from other sectors. Given the diversity of today’s workforce, even more attention must be… More »

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